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It's Not the Circumstances, It's Us

I recently read a great quote from Ben Franklin that I hadn't seen before. He said, "Joy doesn't exist in the world, it exists in us."

... While the quote was new to me, the concept wasn't.

However, as I began to think it more, I realized that even though I "understand" this wisdom and do my best to live by it and remind others of it, more often than I'd like to admit, I find myself living as though I'm simply a victim of the "things" that go on around me and in the world -- especially the stuff I don't particularly like, agree with, understand, feel like I'm on top of, or enjoy.

The circumstances of our lives, especially when they seem stressful or intense (as is the case for many people I know and work with these days) do have an impact on us, for sure. However, all too often we give away our power to these circumstances and situations.

We act as though it's a foregone conclusion that we will feel a certain way based on specific circumstances (i.e. the economy, the weather, our health, our level of activity, the state of our romantic relationship or lack thereof, the behavior of our children, our families, the state of our career or business, our environment at work, and more).

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Our experience of life (grateful, worried, peaceful, angry, excited, sad, alive, depressed, joyous, or anything else) is much more of a reflection of us and what's going on within us, not a reaction to what's going on around us.

We've all had many examples of times in our lives when things were going "great" on the surface or we accomplished or experienced some "wonderful" external success, only to feel a sense of disappointment or sadness underneath because whatever it was didn't satisfy us at a deep level.

And, on the flip side, most of us have had moments of incredible joy, excitement, and bliss that weren't directly connected to anything "worthy" of these feelings externally.

Even though we know this dynamic to be true, we still seem to get caught in the hypnotic, erroneous notion that if we just got rid of some issues, altered some circumstances, manifested some increased success, or changed some specific situations in our lives -- then, we'd be happy, peaceful, and relaxed (or whatever it is we say we want to experience).

Author and teacher, Byron Katie, says, "The definition of insanity is thinking that you need something you don't have. The mere fact that you exist right now without that which you think you need is proof that you don't need it."

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What if we lived our lives with a deeper and more conscious awareness of the fact that we get to create our experience of life at any moment? Imagine what our lives, our careers, and our relationships would look like if we stopped blaming our experience on other people or on external circumstances. We would free up so much positive energy and take back so much of our personal power.

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Here are a few things you can do to enhance your capacity to own your experience of life in an empowering way:

1) Admit where you play victim and give away your power. As is always the case, "The truth will set you free." Take a look into your life, especially in the areas where you find the most pain, suffering, and struggle right now. Without judging yourself, can you find places where you're acting like a victim of your current circumstances (as though it is simply "happening to you")? The more honest and specific you can be about this, the more freedom it will provide for you.

2) Acknowledge, own, and express your underlying emotions. Whenever we go into victimhood there is something we don't want to deal with, take responsibility for, experience, or express emotionally. Even thought it can be a little painful and scary initially, by dealing directly with the emotions we're avoiding, we go to the source of the issue and address it at the root. Ironically, once we're able to acknowledge, own, and express the emotion(s) involved, much of the suffering and struggling go away -- if we're willing to really take responsibility for and express what we're truly feeling.

george Brownridge

3) Make a commitment to fully own your experience. Declare to yourself and those close to you that you're willing to take 100% responsibility for your experience of life. This doesn't mean that "stuff" won't happen, but it does mean that you make a commitment to live your life by design, not default. It's also likely that you'll forget, slip up, and fall back into victimhood from time to time (or often). However, making a commitment to yourself and to others -- and also asking them to hold you accountable with honesty and kindness -- can create an environment (within you and around you) conducive for you to enhance your capacity to live your life with power and responsibility.

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Give yourself some space and have a lot of compassion with yourself and others on this; most of us have been trained, educated, and encouraged to live in "victim consciousness" -- even though it doesn't work or give us what we want ultimately. When we're willing to tell the truth, express our real emotions, and make a commitment to live as designers of our experience -- we can literally transform our lives in miraculous ways.

Mike Robbins is a sought-after motivational keynote speaker, coach, and the bestselling author of Focus on the Good Stuff (Wiley) and Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken (Wiley). More info -

Russian girls and boys


It's All In Your Imagination

Perhaps the greatest lie told to humankind
is that of “mere imagination.”

Most of us recognize the power of imagination to create works of art,
great inventions, even scientific breakthroughs.

But this homage is impersonal and hollow.

It has nothing to do with us.

The truth is, imagination is a force for creating without peer,
and many of us will go our whole lives never realizing the jewel
we carry hidden within us.

All the world’s leading spiritual paths teach that divinity lies within humankind, the spirit of That which keeps the planets and atoms spinning,
which clusters itself effortlessly into an endless parade of forms,
and which rises to the stature of self-consciousness in us:
the I-AM that declares the mystery of itself as something beyond doubt,
and wildly prolific.

Think of how terrifying the first daydreams must have been
to those beings who were learning about the power of imagination
to take them anywhere,
to defy the confines of time, space, and natural law
that constrain and define our outer life.

On the canvas of imagination, we’re free to paint
whatever version of ourselves we wish;
it need meet no other standard than that it please us.

This rich inwardness is, however, only the very beginning of the story.

Goethe, Thoreau, Shakespeare, and many other
great thinkers and writers who became initiated
into the mysteries of creative consciousness have testified that,
if we will only persevere in “the direction of our dreams,”
we will find a response from the world.

“The harvest is rich, but the workers are few.”

Practice is not just intellectual understanding.

To see results, one has to put one’s understanding to the test.

One has to be willing, for example, to consider that,
in a world that is fundamentally mysterious and incomprehensible,
we can’t say what limits there are, if any,
to the creative power of our imagination.

What we dwell on, we soon dwell in.

What is the mood of our thinking throughout the day?

What is our predominant stance?

Worry? Fear? Criticism? Conflict? Disappointment?

Do we find it easier and more natural to expect favorable outcomes,
or the opposite?

It takes a reaching honesty to travel to the end of our indulgences,
but oddly, these indulgences often are in things
we would rather be rid of once and for all.

The man who gives himself over to imagining the worst
is setting into motion the hardest of lessons.

He will not be able to hide from them.


But the one who uses the divine gift to enjoy his inner life,
regardless of surrounding conditions, perhaps even despite them,
will reshape those conditions from the inside out,
for the same imagination that lives at the center of us
lives at the center of conditions.


Why not explore the power of imagination with a new boldness?

What do you imagine would happen if you dared to trust that
there is no such thing as “mere imagination”
except in that we render our imagining powerless
by our reluctance to trust it and our readiness to abandon it
the first time the evidence contradicts our dreams?

What if we took even a single week off from the evidence
and all manner of contrary conclusions,
and kept solidarity with the truth of our imagining without a single lapse?

What would we find?

We would soon prove that our imagining
creates our world in every detail.


Rebel. ...Just Because.

...Let's go for a ride & break some laws together...

Did you know?...

In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.
Boogers may not be flicked into the wind.

In Arizona, it is illegal to take naked photographs before noon on Sunday.
You may not have more than two dildos in a house.
School teachers who bob their hair will not get a raise.
Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs.

And, in Tucson, it's illegal for women to wear pants.

In Arkansas, it is illegal to mispronounce the name of the state.
A law provides that school teachers who bob their hair will not get a raise.
Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

In California, it is illegal to set a mousetrap without a hunting license.
Women may not drive in a housecoat.
It is illegal to eat an orange in your bathtub.

Connecticut still retains an old law forbidding any sexual behavior between consenting adults.
Town records may not be kept where liquor is sold.
In order for a pickle to officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce.

In Delaware, it is illegal to get married on a dare.
You may not sell dead people for money without a license.
It is illegal to fly over any body of water, unless one is carrying sufficient supplies of food and drink.

In Florida, having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.
Unmarried women who parachute on Sundays may be jailed.
No farting in public places after 6 p.m.
If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit.
Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.
It is considered an offense to shower naked.

It is illegal in Georgia to use profanity in the presence of a corpse.

In Hawaii, coins are not allowed to be placed in one's ears.

In Idaho, riding a merry-go-round on Sundays is considered a crime.

In Indiana, it is illegal for a liquor store to sell cold soft drinks.
Drinking from a bottle in a bar can lead to your arrest.

In Iowa, a man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public.
Kisses may last for as much as, but no more than, five minutes.

It is illegal to put ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas.

In Kentucky, you need a license to walk around nude on your property.

In Maryland, you will receive a $10 fine for being in a public park with a sleeveless shirt.
Men may not buy drinks for female bartenders.
A woman may not go through her husband's pockets while he is sleeping.

In Massachussetts, children may smoke, but they may not purchase cigarettes.
It is unlawful to deliver diapers on Sunday regardless of emergencies.
It is illegal to put tomatoes in clam chowder.

A Michigan law states that a wife's hair legally belongs to her husband.
You may not swear in front of women and children.

In Minnesota, it's illegal to tease skunks.
A person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.

In Mississippi, it is illegal for a male to be sexually aroused in public.

In Montana, it is a felony for a wife to open her husband's mail.
Also, it is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone.

In Nebraska, it is illegal to sleep naked in a hotel room.
It's illegal for a mother to give her daughter a perm without a state license.
A man is not allowed to run around with a shaved chest.

In Nevada, it is still legal to hang someone for shooting your dog on your property.

In New Hampshire, it is illegal to inhale bus fumes with the intent of inducing euphoria.
Citizens may not relieve themselves while looking up on Sundays.
The state forbids you from tapping your feet to the music in a tavern or a restaurant cafe.

In New Jersey, it is illegal to delay or detain a homing pigeon.

In North Carolina, it is against the law to roller blade on a state highway.
The state forbids sex outside of marriage, or 'fornication'.

In North Dakota, beer and pretzels cannot be served at the same time in any bar or restaurant.

In Ohio, it is illegal to get a fish drunk.
No one may be arrested on Sunday or on the Fourth of July.

In Oklahoma, it is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots.
Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without a license from the state.
It is illegal to have sex before you're married.


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Where are the Good Guys?

The Forces of Light do more to show the door than to force people to walk through it. That is the idea behind the Law of Non-Interference. And the door must be shown in a careful way to maximize freewill. There are specific individuals who either cannot or will not currently choose higher knowledge. What will the Forces of Light do about them? Nothing really, except make sure that those who have chosen the light are given just enough protection and guidance to pull their own weight and face their own consequencies without unnecessary interference.

Look, the times ahead – and here I mean the next 5-10 years – will see more polarization. That is, a turning up of the contrast. When you take a muddy picture and turn up the contrast, rather than everything becoming brighter, merely dark gets darker and white gets whiter. Same here… there will be entire segments of the population who will become stronger in their ignorance and darkness as time goes on. If all you see is them, then you’ll think we’re all doomed. However, at the same time, those who already carry the light within and are open to its growth or germination, these will also grow in strength. So— a growth in strength more so than a growth in number… that is what’s happening. Number isn’t everything, sometimes it’s more about quality.

The Forces of Light are performing surgery on our planet… that means a delicate operation that works through us rather than upon us, which involves incarnating into human bodies and turning over the system from the inside while the other half of the team stays in the higher realms and makes sure those below get a fair shot at doing their jobs. To come in and force things is not just a violation of freewill, not just impossible if some Creator force prevents it, but would also screw up the learning course of this planet.

For instance… if free energy technology right now were suddenly unleashed upon the world, that would change things so drastically that a lot of the learning lessons masses have yet to go through will be denied. It’s like a movie whose dilemma is suddenly resolved halfway through, then the rest of the movie is a waste of time. That is why free energy inventors who are too overzealous in getting their stuff out there receive preventative assassination from the dark powers and why the forces of light do not have much authority in helping them prematurely end the world script.

So – everything in time. It takes faith. Forget the stupid people, put aside the darkness, focus on what is lightening up within you and waking up within the few that you know to be waking up… strength matters more than number.

There is a plan, and it is being implemented, but it must also be subtle and delicate and sophisticated…perhaps so sophisticated that not even we, the foot-soldiers, are always aware of its workings.

Metaphysics, World Events & Conspiracy

Something to keep in mind is that dark forces operate on both metaphysical and physical levels. Most redpills are familiar with the physical side of the conspiracy: Federal Reserve, Bush, Iraq, Bilderberg, Trilaterialists, international bankers, engineered genocide, JFK, media propaganda, etc… You can watch this conspiracy unfold in the news.

Waking up to what’s going on in the world is important. But this calls for caution when you consider the metaphysical side of the conspiracy: higher density controllers, soul frequency manipulation, spiritual disinformation, timeline steering, and so on. In short, dark forces can further their metaphysical conspiracy by exploiting the very avenues that seem to undermine the physical conspiracy.

Take the news, for instance. Awareness of world events gives you a certain level of lucidity concerning what we’re facing. Getting “outraged” at shocking stories of corruption and injustice can make you feel self-righteous, motivated, and awake. But from a metaphysical point of view, if this bitterness leads to persistent pessimism and a darkening of your heart, then despite getting politically smarter you become spiritually dimmer. This has metaphysical consequences that outweight anything gained through awareness of the physical conspiracy.

Why is metaphysics important? Because by thinking, perceiving, and acting at that level you can do things that are impossible on the physical. It is a greater order of power that works on the quantum, chaotic, nonlinear level of reality. Dimming your spiritual light through emotional preoccupation with lesser orders of awareness scews you over at that deeper level. It cuts you off from those higher abilities and perceptions you need to really make a difference.

This makes no sense to those stubbornly stuck in the physical ways of doing things. And it’s also not as naive as saying that darkness can be erased through denial. The opposite, in fact…but awareness of a higher order than mere physical. Being metaphysically potent means acting according to a higher understanding of how consciousness shapes experience and vice versa. It requires being aware of both the physical and metaphysical currents of experience. Read my article “Realm Dynamics” for some relevant concepts to ponder.

Some might wonder, “But being that we are third density, how are we to know what fourth density principles are and how to apply them?” Well, remember that the lower realms are subset of the higher, meaning the workings of the higher are all around and within us. By being observant and intuitive yet discerning, you can put the pieces together and learn some things. All you have to do is try, make your best guess, test it out, and learn through trial and error.

The agnostic mind likes to moan “but how can we even know such a thing?”, “but how can we be sure?”, “but how can we know we’re not deceiving ourselves?”—but but but… By taking your best step instead of vacillating over whether it is the absolutely right step, you can get much farther in the long run. Nothing is without risk, and errors aren’t that big of a deal if you learn from your mistakes.

So to summarize, it is important not to fall for the metaphysical conspiracy by ignorantly limiting yourself to mere understanding of the physical. Countering the metaphysical deceptions requires opening your eyes and your heart. In other words, be aware and be positive, strive to know yourself as much as you seek to know the world, and get to know the metaphysical world just as much as the physical. That is balance…that is covering all your bases.

Reality Creation

Some say we have power to create our own reality, that through belief and intent we can and should specify our personal future. And yet experience shows reality is already predicated upon a design more elegant than anything we can specify through our ephemeral desires.

Others therefore say we should go with the flow and accept what comes. And yet experience shows that while some things are destined, more mundane things are left to choice—if not choice, then chance. The law of chance is without design and without mercy, and abandoning the responsibility to choose invites the law of chance into one’s life with often unpleasant consequences.

The bigger things in life we cannot change. The smaller things we can. Life is a river whose flow we cannot reverse, yet we have freedom to navigate within that flow. Near the shore we move slowly and roughly; near the center we move quickly and smoothly. We can humbly accept the bigger things and still actively direct the smaller things. We can and we must.

For what is within our power and wisdom to specify, we may intend. For what is beyond our power to direct or wisdom to specify, we may make a request. Intending and requesting are two of the most powerful tools we have for shaping our experiences within the framework of destiny.>

Intend for the mundane things you know you need. Intend for a good parking spot, intend for the perfect product or service at the perfect price, intend for a good job when you’re looking for one, intend for a positive and exciting day, intend for anything that is inconsequential to destiny and respects freewill. Intend or it will be left to chance.

Be specific when you intend. Mentally outline or visualize what you want. This sharpens the focus of conscious energy upon that selected probable future. If you want a blue shirt under ten dollars, then visualize the blue shirt and intend that it be under ten dollars. If you want compensation for the money you just spent on a book, then intend that you be doubly compensated. If you want a safe road trip, then go over each potential complication and intend that it not arise. Whatever your intent, be specific. You are projecting your own energy into the matrix of probable futures and selecting a particular one to manifest.

For the more important things, make requests. Request knowledge, wisdom, insight, guidance, protection. Request an answer to a puzzling question, request illumination, request that you learn your lessons as smoothly and efficiently as possible, request that you are given the best opportunities for fulfilling your potential. You cannot intend for these because they are beyond your wisdom to accurately specify. Therefore leave their fulfillment to the discretion of wiser forces like your positive Higher Self, the Universe, and divine forces. Be general and earnest in your request, and have faith and patience. By being general you leave the outcome entirely open and thereby allow possibilities to manifest that you could never have imagined.

Intending is commanding, and when done wisely commanding is the proper exercise of spiritual power. Over time reality will tell you what is mundane and what is significant, and you’ll get better at intending for what is within your place to intend.

Requesting is humbly knocking on the door to assistance by wiser forces. Such forces respect freewill and only assist when you request. Never requesting anything keeps the door closed. Disappointment means reality has something better in store for you at a better time.

Requesting when you should be intending is a form of wishing and only robs you of power. Intending when you should be requesting spits in the face of higher wisdom and is a display of spiritual hubris, while intending for what clearly goes against destiny and freewill is black magic. The lesson: don’t pray to Jesus for a new car, intend for a new car; don’t command reality into unraveling for you a mystery, request it or else you might learn the right thing at the wrong time or wrong thing at the right time. To intend is to command, to request is to ask.

Requesting is easy. When you feel like you need assistance, call up from within the feeling of gratitude and humility, then state your request verbally while paying full attention to the meaning of your request. Remain silent for several seconds and wait to receive a feeling of comfort that your request has been acknowledged. Then go away in certainty and relief that your request will be answered in the right way at the right time.

Intending is also easy. Just hold in your mind exactly what it is you want and then go do something else. Just like ordering something through the mail. In between intending and manifesting must be a temporary period of forgetting. If you want a good parking spot, give yourself enough time to forget about your intent before you get there. If you are intending for a good day, do it when you first wake up. This gives reality some breathing room to reshuffle the timeline.

The only real difference between intending and requesting is whom you address and how specific or general your intent. By intending, you acknowledge yourself as the source of power influencing reality. By requesting, you humbly address forces wiser and more powerful than yourself.>

Attention freezes the object of attention, so restlessly anticipating something will put it off. This is simple quantum mechanics. The sooner you think about something else the sooner reality can get to work. Anticipation kills the future – it is better to have doubt than to anticipate, it is better to have patience than doubt, and there is no easier way to be patient than keeping yourself busy with other things.

These are metaphysical tools to catalyze the flow of experience and assist rather than undermine destiny. Most people only understand the physical side of life, that getting anywhere requires planning and physical action. Of course, doing is central to getting anything done, but direct action is only part of the equation.

To summarize the rest: intend wisely, request earnestly, and go with the flow gracefully.

'Segment Intend It'

Deliberate Creative Control (exercise)

We encourage you to be aware

of the natural segments of your day.

There are not two of you who experience
the same SEGMENTS,
for each of your life experiences are different,
but we will give you some examples here:

When you wake up in the morning,
the time that you remain in bed after you are awake
is a segment.

After you get out of bed, the time that you are in your house,
making preparation to leave for work, or other activities
is a segment.

When you get into your automobile, the time that you are in your automobile,
moving from one place to another
is a segment.

When you answer the telephone, it begins a new segment.

When someone walks into your office, it begins a new segment, and so on.


You are beings who hold many intentions,
and every intention does not apply
to every moment of your life experience.

Some of your intentions are more appropriate in some moments,
while others are more appropriate in others.

And it is necessary for you to identify which intentions
are most important during which moments
in order to be in complete and deliberate control
of your life experience.

For example:

When you get into your automobile, as you are buckling your safety belt,
intend safety, keen awareness,
and perceptiveness of what other drivers are intending.

Clearly, it is more appropriate to intend safety when getting into your automobile
than when you are reading a book at home.

When you answer your telephone, take a moment, once you know who is calling,
to intend that which you most want to communicate to that person.

Intend clarity of thought and clarity of expression.

Intend brevity if it is important. ... Intend to uplift the caller.

It is more appropriate that you intend clarity of communication
as you are speaking on the telephone
than when you are swimming alone in your pool.

Most of you do not take time to think about what you generally want,
let alone thinking specifically about what you want,
moment by moment
as you move through your day.

But as you identify each new segment
and intend clearly what your dominant intentions are for that segment,
you will have deliberate control of your life experience.

We are aware that it would he cumbersome to stop in every moment
to identify what you most want,
but it is not cumbersome to divide your day into segments
and to take a few seconds in the beginning of each segment
to identify what you are wanting.

In a short time you will find it is very easy for you
to identify the beginning of a new segment,
and the few seconds that it takes to intend what you are wanting
will not only streamline your life,
providing much more time to do those things that you are wanting to do,
but you will find much more joyous contentment within each day
as you are receiving that which you have deliberately intended.



SETH quotes

The Law of Allowing

How to Love Yourself

Louise Hay offers
these helpful suggestions.

Try them! They really work.

1. Stop all criticism: Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

2. Don't scare yourself: Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It's a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.

3. Be gentle and kind and patient: Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient
with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you
really loved.

4. Be kind to your mind: Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change the thoughts.

5. Praise yourself: Criticism breaks the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.

6. Support yourself: Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends, and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.

7. Be loving to your negatives: Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So. lovingly release the old negative patterns.

8. Take care of your body: Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

9. Mirror work: Look into your own eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents looking into the mirror. Forgive them, too. At least once a day, say: "I love you, I really love you!"

10. LOVE YOURSELF - DO IT NOW! Don't wait until you get well or lose the weight, or get the new job, or find the new relationship. Begin NOW - do the best you can.

Copyright ©1988 Louise L. Hay
All rights reserved.